*when it's 4 a.m. and you're desperate for a salad but there's no lettuce to be found*
1. I had handled a raw jalapeno earlier and hadn't managed to wash the oils off but had managed to molest my own face throughout the night.
2. Having a tattoo healing on your rib cage does not allow for the most comfortable sleeping positions.
3. I've recently had to start sleeping with my window closed because teenage mutant ninja spiders have started coming in at night so to replace the ambient noise that the outside world provides I've had to sleep with a fan AND Pandora playing which incidentally must be played quite loud to be heard over the fan. So during this critical time when I should be racking up the beauty sleep I am instead denying myself comfort at every turn. Anyway, back to #3. While sleeping this song plays on Pandora whilst I'm dreaming about walking around on my wedding day arm and arm with my husband all slow motion greeting our friends and I wake up smiling and completely unable to fall back asleep because I'm just way too excited.
So, I go downstairs to make some tea and I realize, "ah shet....birth control". I take my pill at night because they make me really sick and so when I don't sleep through it I spend the evening hanging over the toilet heaving my guts out (a little something my soon to be husband will become very familiar with). I attempted to blog to keep my mind distracted and instead just spend 2 hours holding back puke and changing the layout. My sister joins me at around 3 and from then to 5am we sit in the kitchen and watch Pixar shorts, laugh at fugly cakes and appreciate the fact that after the next 15 days it won't be so easy to just walk across the hall and annoy each other. As excited as I am to move out and start a new life with my husband I've become so accustomed to the chaos that is life at home with my family and I'm really gonna miss it.